
Showing posts from 2016

6 Fun Games To Introduce Coding To Kids

Coding is the backbone of programming software, mobile apps and websites. So, getting a knowhow of this technology can prove to be highly beneficial for kids in the tech driven era. With exploding careers in the tech industry, countries like Britain have made coding mandatory in schools. With the emergence of private creative learning center Singapore is keen to increase the number of kid coders by introducing coding in schools. Learning to code can benefit kids in the long run as they help kids learn critical decision making skills, analytical skills, enhance their creativity when they learn to create something from scratch.   Those kids who may not be ready to jump into the coding world right away, they can still get the hang of it by learning the basics in fun and accessible way. There are few games that can help kids try their little hands on programming actions. Scratch Junior It is a version of Scratch  that is available as a free Android a...

Kids Today: The Future Of Technology

The swift advancement of technology has entered into a new era where digital literacy has replaced the age old definition of literacy today. To be more precise, coding is said to be the new typing. With the Singapore government aiming to become a smart nation, the demand for digital knowledge has surpassed adults and the kids have come into the forefront. Living in a world of technology, no matter which field you choose to be in, technical skills are a requirement for lifelong success. Adults wished they started younger, so why not change that for the growing ones?   Introducing children learning programs Singapore is aiming higher by attempting to arm their young minds with the power of technology.  Parents as well as teachers today seem to encourage to develop technological skills in their kids. It’s a pity for those who assume kids seem to understand technology better than us and do not need professional training until they are old enough. However, the ...